Synchronisation Alerts

Sometimes medication cannot be automatically synchronised, this is usually because a daily dose cannot be easily calculated.

Alerts generate with additional information to assist with this and the errors can be resolved by reviewing or updating the quantity/issues.

  • Treatment cannot have the supply calculated - This generally applies to treatments such as drops, inhalers and creams, or medication with As Directed in the dosage instructions:

  • Packs are indivisible - The treatment duration, issue frequency and dosage values give a calculated supply that cannot be dispensed as the packs are indivisible:

    Note - If you reauthorise without updating the quantity, a new repeat master is created with an indivisible quantity.
  • Supply does not match duration, issue frequency and dosage - This occurs when the quantity has been manually altered, and does not meet the minimum number required for the defined period:

Alternatively medication can be removed from the synchronisation by unchecking the Sync box.

See Synchronising Repeats for details.
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