Reauthorise Repeat Medication

Note - Reauthorising Repeat Medication is only available for patients registered at a Vision 3 practice.
Important - Please be aware, Vision Anywhere only displays Medication from the last two years excluding those with no date assigned to them.

To reauthorise an individual repeat master:

  1. From the Patient Summary screen, select Medication.
  2. From the Medication screen, select a drug to display the detail:
  3. Select Reauthorise and the Reauthorise Repeats screen displays along with any relevant prescriber warnings.
  4. Select Save to reauthorise.
    Note - If this patient's record is open in Vision 3, the 'The patient record is locked by another user' message displays. Select OK to close the message, check the record and try again once the patient is released.

The medication is reauthorised and available to issue.

See Synchronising Repeats for details on reauthorising all repeat medications.

Reauthorising and Synchronising Repeat Medication (1.06)

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