Creating a Task from a Template

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Creating a Task from a Template (1:41)

To facilitate the quick creation of regular tasks, you can use Task Templates.

  1. From any Task screen, select Templates .

  2. A list of templates displays (your template list is determined by the staff groups you are a member of and set up by your system manager):

  3. Select the template you require and the New Task screen displays. Depending on the template selected, different sections of the New Task screen are completed, the rest should be completed in the usual way:

  4. Complete as required:
    • From (optional) - If you are creating this task on behalf of a group of staff you are a member of, select Edit and select the appropriate group.

    • Recipient(s) - Select the recipient of this task, this can be one or more individual members of staff, yourself to act as an aid memoir or a staff group, simply start typing and a smart list displays to select from.

      Note - You can select ALL USERS to send a task to every member of staff.
    • Subject - Enter a short description of the task, up to 30 characters, this appears in the My tasks list of the recipient.

    • Description - Enter a full description for the task, up to 1000 characters.

    • Attach patient (optional) - Select Attach patient :

      • The Search for patients screen displays, type the patient name (either in full or part), press return or select Search . A list of matching patients displays, select the patient required. Select More Patient Info for further demographic information:

    • Write back clinical code (only available if a patient is attached) (optional) - Select a clinical code from the list available to write back to the patient record when the task is completed, see Writing Back Clinical Codes for details.
      Note - If you select to write back a clinical code to a patient record, although the clinical term is searchable within your clinical system, the entry displays on the patient record as 'Tasks V3 Write back'. Please also be aware the clinical entry is allocated the default Consultation type of the staff member completing the task, for example, if a clinician completes the task, even if it is an administration clinical code, it is recorded as a Surgery Consultation if that is their default Consultation type, see Consultation Manager Setup - Consultation in the Consultation Manager Help Centre for details.
    • Attachments (optional) - Select Attach to add an attachment to this task, see Adding Attachments for details.
    • Category - Select from the pre-defined list, this facilitates the ability of the recipient to filter tasks allocated to them.
    • Due Date/Time - Defaults to today's date. If required, select a date that this task should be completed by, either selecting the Calendar and then a date or enter an offset time frame using the usual d=days, w=weeks, m=months or y=years short hand, for example, 2d = 2 days.
    • This task is sensitive - Tick to mark a task as sensitive, if selected only the sender, recipients and system supervisors can see the full details of the task.
      Important - Ensure you do not include sensitive data in the Subject line as this may inadvertently be seen by unauthorised staff.
    • Urgent - Tick if this task should be marked as urgent. If Make this urgent when overdue is already selected, this option is not available.
    • Make this urgent when overdue - Tick if the priority of this task should increase when overdue. If Urgent is already selected, this option is not available.
    • All recipients must complete (optional) - If this task is going to a group of recipients, tick to request they all complete the task as opposed to just one of them.
    • Create another - Tick to automatically start another new task when you select Send.
  5. Select Send to save and send the task.
  6. If the template selected has Task should contain an attached patient ticked and you do not attach a patient, the following warning message displays:

  7. Select Send task anyway to send regardless or Show me to select a patient.

  8. A 'Task was added successfully' message briefly displays at the bottom of your screen.

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