Accuracy Checking Prescriptions (England)

Accuracy Check in Pharmacy Manager (2:24)


Accuracy Checking Module - Creating Additional Bags (1:50)

Accuracy Checking Module - High Risk & Controlled Drugs (2:29)


Accuracy Checking Module - Approve Later (1:45)

Accuracy Check in Pharmacy Manager assists you in confirming that:

  • The items picked match the items on the selected prescription, and

  • The correct labels have been affixed to the correct items.

To enable Accuracy Check, see Pharmacy Details - Accuracy Check for details.

Once Accuracy Check is enabled, when dispensing a prescription, a unique QR code displays on item labels and additionally a picking list label prints:

  • Item Label

  • Picking List Label

    The picking list label includes the following:

    • Patient Name

    • Prescribed Medication and Quantity

    • Unique QR code to be used to launch the Accuracy screen.

    Note - If multiple prescriptions for a patient are group dispensed, all items display on the picking list. See Group Dispensing for details.
Important - A bag label is only produced when an accuracy check is completed or approved.

To accuracy check your prescriptions:

  1. To start the accuracy check for a basket of prescriptions you can either:

    • Scan the QR barcode on a picking list, or

    • From the Prescriptions - In Progress screen, select ACC CHECK for the required prescription grouping.

    • Note - Accuracy check only applies to electronic (EPS) prescriptions.
  2. The Accuracy screen displays with the current signed in user detailed at the top right of the screen. Unchecked Items displays a list of the required items, scan the barcode (1D or 2D) on the first medication box/packaging picked:

    • If you have scanned a correct item a green tick displays next to Pack Scanned and the item moves to the top of the Unchecked Items list.

    • If you have scanned an item that is not on any of the prescriptions under check you are prompted 'Scanning Error - The item that you have scanned has not been recognised. Please confirm that the item is correct and try again. If you are still unable to scan, then use the Manually Confirm Check option.', select OK to continue.

      If the barcode does not scan, for example a Parallel Import (PI), you should manually confirm the check, see Manual Confirmation for details.
    Note - Where you have multiple flavours for one item and you have combined to one label you only need to scan one item. See Dispensing Multiple Flavours for details.
  3. Now scan the item label for same item:

    • If you have scanned the correct label for the item a green tick displays next to Label Scanned and the item moves to Checked Items.

    • If you have scanned an incorrect label for the item you are prompted 'Scanning Error - The product and label you have scanned do not match. Please correct the error and try again'.

      Select OK to continue. Label Scanned displays a red exclamation mark until you scan the correct label.

    If the label does not scan, and you would still like to accuracy check the item, you can manually confirm the check, see Manual Confirmation for details.
  4. Continue to scan all items and labels.

    If extra bags are needed for certain items, for example, controlled drugs or items requiring fridge storage, you can select CREATE NEW BAG . It is important that this is done at this stage to avoid having to edit the prescription later in the process.

    Training Tip - To move an item between bags, select Options and then select either Move Up or Move Down, see Navigating the Accuracy Screen (England) for details.
  5. Once all packs and labels have been scanned you are informed 'All Items Scanned' in Unchecked items.

  6. Select COMPLETE ACCURACY CHECK . If additional approval is not required the Accuracy screen closes and the required bag labels print, the prescription(s) display on the eMessages screen with a status of In Progress - Awaiting Collection.

  7. If additional approval is required, for example, for manually confirmed items or high-risk medication, the Approval Required screen displays.

    This displays all items on the prescription and where applicable the reasons for approval, you can either:

    • Approve Later - Select APPROVE LATER to close the Approval Required screen. The patient's prescriptions display on the In Progress screen with a status of Checked - Requires Sign Off. The pharmacist can filter by Checked - Requires Sign Off to complete the accuracy check when available.

    • Confirm Approval - In Approved By enter the name of the approver and then select CONFIRM APPROVAL . The Accuracy screen closes, the required bag labels print and the prescription(s) displays on the eMessages screen with a status of In Progress - Awaiting Collection.

Note - You can edit a prescription grouping that has been accuracy checked, however you are not prompted to accuracy check again. To put the prescription grouping through the accuracy check again you must reset the prescriptions to a status of New - Ready to dispense first.

Manual Confirmation

Should you need to manually confirm the item and label is correct for the patient, for example if the barcode does not scan or it is not in an original pack, you can manually confirm the match. To do this:

  1. Select Options next to the required item and select Manually Confirm Check.

  2. You are prompted 'Manual Confirmation - I can confirm that the item is correct for this patient and the correct label has been affixed'.

  3. Select Confirm to continue with the manual confirmation. To return without confirming, select Close .

Once manually confirmed the item moves to Checked Items highlighted as Manually Confirmed.

Manually confirmed items need a pharmacist's approval before completing the accuracy check.

Accuracy Check - Patient History

When prescriptions are labelled with Accuracy Check enabled, the Patient Details - History tab displays a Type of Dispensed Item - Picking.

Once accuracy checked, the Patient Details - History tab displays a Type of Dispensed Item - Checked.

Prescription Item Details - Details - Accuracy Checking displays the user ID of the pharmacist signed in when the accuracy check was carried out, or the name supplied during the final approval, if required, and the date the accuracy check was approved.

Check out our Accuracy Check eLearning! See Pharmacy Manager eLearning for details.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.