Pharmacy Details - Accuracy Check
The Accuracy Check tab allows you to activate and edit your Accuracy Check settings in Pharmacy Manager.
From Pharmacy Manager, select Tools - System Settings - Pharmacy Details - Accuracy Check.
You have the following options:
Accuracy Check Activation:
Activate Accuracy Check - Tick to activate the Accuracy Check module. You are prompted 'To get the most out of this feature and to ensure fast and efficient dispensing we recommend that you also turn on the Fast Labelling option in the Keystroke Reduction tab', see Pharmacy Details - Keystroke Reduction for details.
See Accuracy Checking Prescriptions (England) for details. -
Exclude MDS/MDSC From Accuracy Check - Tick to exclude Monitored Dosage System (MDS) prescriptions from accuracy checking. With this ticked, once an MDS prescription is labelled, a bag label prints and the prescription displays with a status of In Progress - Awaiting Collection.
Enable Split Pack Prompts - Tick to enable a split pack prompt
and additional approval required when the dispensed item's quantity does not match the pack size.
Label & QR Settings:
Picking List Label - Adjust the QR code position on the picking list label. Edit the left and top margins in pixels as required and then select Print Test Label
to print a test label.
With the Top and Left margins set to 0 the QR code defaults to the top right of the label.
Bag Label - Adjust the QR code position on the bag label. Edit the left and top margins in pixels as required and then select Print Test Label
to print a test label.
With the Top and Left margins set to 0 the QR code defaults to the top right of the label.
Item Label:
Left Margin / Top Margin - Adjust the QR code position on the item label. Edit the left and top margins in pixels as required and then select Print Test Label
to print a test label.
With the Top and Left margins set to 0 the QR code defaults to the top left of the label.
Blank lines between Product and Directions - Adjust the number of blank lines between the product name and the directions. Edit the number of blank lines and then select Print Test Label
to print a test label.
Training Tip - Adjusting the left margin value from 0 to 10 moves the QR code to the right by 10 pixels or adjusting the top margin from 0 to 10 moves the QR code down by 10 pixels. Alternatively, negative numbers move the QR code in the opposite direction, to the left or up. -
Select Apply to save the changes and restart Pharmacy Manager as prompted.