Enabling Automatic Stock Control


To enable the Automatic Stock Control option in Pharmacy Manager:

  • Go into

Menu > Tools> Pharmacy Details > Ordering tab > Stock Control section

  • Uncheck Manual stock control and select the default stock control method required.


Enabling Auto-order2.png

  The Stock check while labelling option will be applied automatically to all products on Prism and Fixed Prism methods of stock control.



This will automatically create an owing if there is not enough stock on the shelf for items on auto-order.


Therefore, for these methods to work correctly all products on 'Prism' or 'Fixed Prism' auto-order must have stock levels entered accurately.

For Balance stock control, because stock levels do not need to be entered, 'Stock check while labelling' is not automatically applied.

However, if stock levels have been entered on all products, select the option 'Stock check while labelling' to ensure that there is sufficient stock before labels are produced when dispensing.

When Manual stock control has been switched off from the ordering tab, all Product Details screens will now display an 'Auto-order' option. You can switch this on in individual 'Product Details' screens; or switch it on from the Dispensary screen, when dispensing an item, by pressing &.

Alternatively you can switch the entire Product file auto-order on or off from Bulk Operations. See To switch ALL Auto Order Values ON/OFF.