Unwanted prescription items

A patient, whilst wanting/requiring some items on an electronic  prescription, may not want one or more items. Alternatively, it may be determined that an item is clinically unsuitable in the judgement of a pharmacist e.g. may provoke a major interaction.

  • Once the dispensing/labelling step has started, click the button whenever an item that falls into one or other of these categories populates the Dispensary tab.

The Item not dispensed reason window appears.

  • Click the down arrow pointer to access the drop down list of reasons available.

  • Click/select the appropriate reason.

The Not dispensed reason window will close.

  • Click the OK button to acknowledge and confirm the reason.

  • Alternatively, re-select a different reason, then click theOKbutton when prompted.

  • Click Issue or Finish to confirm the Not dispensed item, and unless the prescription is completed, Pharmacy Manager will continue with the next item.

Cancelled prescriptions

Prescription cancellation should not be used as a not dispensed reason apart from when a prescription has been marked as cancelled by the prescriber and he/she has informed you when you have already downloaded the prescription.

Mind changed?

You are permitted to dispense an item that has been set originally as Not dispensed.


This change can be made so long as the prescription status is not Claimed.


See also Edit labels already printed.


Illegal NHS prescriptions

Controlled drugs (CDs) in schedules 4 and 5 have always been in scope for the EPS. CDs from schedules 2 and 3 will be prescribed via the EPS pending the necessary legislation changes.

If a prescription signed with an electronic signature containing schedule 2 and 3 controlled drugs is received by the System before necessary legislation is changed, then the prescribed items are not valid and must be marked as “Not Dispensed” using the reason Illegal NHS prescription.


Electronic NHS private prescriptions must not be prescribed via the EPS until they are brought into scope and this is communicated by NHS Digital.

If an electronic NHS private prescription is received by the System before they are brought into scope for the EPS, then the prescribed items must be marked as Not Dispensed also using the return reason Illegal NHS prescription.


Please remain aware that this guidance is likely to change at some stage in the future.


Updated 8th July 2013