Finding an Existing Patient
As you add patients to Pharmacy Manager it creates a patient list. This list can be searched quickly and easily.
- From Pharmacy Manager, select either:
- Press <Shift> + <Ctrl> + <F1> keys.
- Select Menu - Tools - Inquiry - Patient.
- Select Patient Inquiry
- The Find Patient screen displays, enter the details of the patient required using either:
Name - Enter either:
- First few letters of surname, for example Bar
- Initial, space, first letter(s) of surname, for example B B
- Complete surname, for example Barker
Please Note: No patients are returned if you leave Name blank.
- Street - Enter the complete surname and part or all of the street name.
- Postcode - Enter part or all of the postcode, a complete postcode should narrow the search down to maybe a dozen houses.
and either press <Enter> or select Find.
- Tick Extend search to similar sounding names to extend the search to similar sounding names.
- Tick Show temporary patients to include patients with the temporary patient flag set in the patient detail screen.
- Highlight the patient required and select Details to view the patient details.
Press the <Esc> key to return to the main Pharmacy Manager screen.
Other Patient Search Options:

Pharmacy Manager automatically assigns a system number when a patient record is created. The patient number is displayed in the Find Patient list in the # column.
To search on a patient number:
- Name - Enter P followed, without any spaces, by the patient number, then press <Enter> or select Find.

Prescriptions usually include the patient's NHS number. This can be used as an alternate means of identification if recorded in the patient details.
To search on a patient's NHS number:
Name - Enter # followed, without any spaces, by the patient's NHS number, then press <Enter> or select Find.

Prescriptions usually include the patient's CHI number. This can be used as an alternate means of identification if recorded in the patient details.
To search on a patient's CHI number:
Name - Enter # followed, without any spaces, by the patient's NHS number, then press <Enter> or select Find.