Instalment Dispensing

When dealing with certain drug classes, for example controlled drugs, you may need to dispense a prescription using instalments.

To dispense a prescription in instalments:

  1. Select Dispensary from the Pharmacy Manager Side Navigation Bar. The Dispensary screen displays.
  2. Double click on the FP10 button . The Select Dispensary Supply Form displays.
  3. Select FP10 MDA from the available list.

  1. Dispense the prescription in the usual way. See Dispensing an Electronic Prescription.
  1. Select Item and select Dispense in Instalments.

  1. The Prescription Item Details screen displays and the Instalments tab is selected by default. Complete as outlined below:
    • Instalment start date - The date you want the instalments to start.
    • Days supply - The number of days supply you want to issue.

  1. Press Enter. Pharmacy Manager automatically calculates the date each instalment should be given and the appropriate quantity.

Note - By default, calculations are based on your Pharmacy being closed on a Sunday, so schedules two instalments on a Saturday.
Note - If your pharmacy closes on additional days, go to the Days option and select the relevant day. The day selected displays in red and the instalment schedule updates accordingly.
Note - In the above example, on 03 April 2020, two instalments will be dispensed on one label. If two labels are required, enter the appropriate quantity separating with a comma, e.g. '10,10', to produce two labels of 10.
Note - If you have Shortfalls, the OK button is greyed out and the quantity missing displays. You must check the dosages and amend as needed.
  1. Select OK to confirm the instalment schedule

  2. The Instalment Label Printing screen displays asking you which labels you wish to print. Select the appropriate option:
    • All - Print all instalment labels.
    • First - Print the first instalment label only.
    • None - Print no instalment labels.

  1. The Endorsement screen displays. Select OK to defer endorsing until all instalments are collected by the patient.


Instalment Dispensing (3:13)