Dispensing an Electronic Prescription

To dispense an electronic prescription, from the Pharmacy Manager Dashboard:

  1. Select New EPS to Dispense.

  1. The eMessages screen displays.
  2. Select the required patient and select Dispense.

  1. The Patient Information screen displays, showing any notes added by the GP. Select OK to proceed.
Note - At this point, users in Scotland will see the Prescriber Notes screen , if any notes from the prescriber exist on the prescription.

  1. The Patient Selection Wizard displays. This confirms that the patient is matched to an existing Pharmacy Manager patient.
Note - If no patient is found, you can easily add them on at this stage. by selecting New Patient.

  1. Select Next and Finish.
  2. The Dispensary screen displays with the patient, prescriber and number of items pre-populated from the electronic prescription.

  1. Complete as follows to dispense an item:
    • Written as - Select Enter to search for the prescribed item. The Written as field populates with the item details, for example, Amoxicillin 200mg capsules.
    • Dispense as - Populates automatically with the dispensed item, for example, Amoxicillin 200mg Capsules 21 AAH Generics Scheme.
    • Quantity - Populates automatically. Check to ensure it is correct.
    • Directions - Enter the directions provided on the prescription , for example, type 'One to be taken three times a day' or enter the appropriate dosage code, '1 space T'. Insert link to trusted directions
    • Warnings - If Warnings display, you must select Confirm .
    • Owe - Enter if appropriate.
  2. If the prescription contains multiple items, select Finish Item and repeat the process outlined in Step 8.
  3. Select Finish .
  4. The item label and bag label prints.


Dispensing an Electronic Prescription (2:31)