Icons/speedbuttons used in Pharmacy Manager   


At the top left of the Pharmacy Manager screen are some icons. Some icons only appear when you have selected certain tabs. Most work like a small button - just click on one to start that function. However, some only indicate a certain status.

Here is what the speed buttons do or the icons indicate.

Welcome tab








When there is a problem with the system that the user needs to rectify before the system can be used for dispensing, etc.  

• Your license for Pharmacy Manager expired on 01/04/2011.  Contact…

• You have not run a backup for 20 days!.  The system is disabled until you run one.



Require you to read and acknowledge a message or warning before they can use the system.  

This pop-up type is auto-dismissed after any required action takes place.

• PIP code usage acceptance

• You have missing or incomplete responsible Pharmacist records

• Incoming CIF file requiring attention

• ePharmacy password required (Scotland only)



Notify you that there is an issue with part of the system but not one that prevents Pharmacy Manager from being used.

Errors can be dismissed from the welcome tab once they have been opened and read.

• There was a problem starting Knowledge Base

• Robot services are off-line.  You can still dispense robot stock but will have to remove it manually from the shelf.



Warnings can be dismissed from the Welcome tab without reading

• Your license for Pharmacy Manager expires within a week!

• Knowledge Base requires updating



These are low priority information messages that don’t contain a user choice (messages that only have an OK button)

• Advanced logging for England EPS is turned on.

• Robot services are online

• The order set “blah blah



These are the same priority as information messages but they involve a user response to the message if they open it (it is not mandatory for a user to view these to use the system).  

Any questions that are essential for a user to respond to will be categorised as Important.

• The task “blah, blah, blah” should have run on 02/01/2011 but wasn’t, probably because the system was not running – Do you want to run it now?

• The printer for the print job “Label Printer” is not installed.  Do you want to configure printers for this workstation now?





Icons used in NDC Pharma27.gif

Patient Inquiry/ Find Patient. Click once to open Find Patient screen, to amend or enter patient details. See Patient Inquiry.


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Product Inquiry/ Find Product. Use this button to access drug data and product details. Click once and enter product name. See Product Inquiry.


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Quick Interaction Check. Click once, enter patient name (if applicable) then click on the ADD button to enter the first product name, click on ADD again to enter second and subsequent products for interaction checking.
See Quick Interaction Check.


View History. Click once to display history of events - prescription forms, interventions and MURs

Dispensary tab



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Temporary Patient. Click once or press & to do a label without entering full patient details. The patient is classed as temporary and can be recalled later if you want to make the person a permanent patient. Also appears in Owing and Pending tabs if outstanding items are for a temporary patient.

Knowledge Base Search Condition facility. Click on this icon to access the Conditions database. Enter a key word - e.g. a product or a medical condition - and all files with matching entries in their descriptions are returned.


Keystroke reduction options can be easily accessed for activation or deactivation. See Keystroke reduction for more details.  

Default prescription form

Double-click to show ALL available forms e.g. Dental, Nurse, Private, Emergency supply etc., or

Press & to toggle between NHS and Private; or

Press & shortcut to select form type.

N.B. If you have changed the form for one patient, for example to dispense a private prescription, once that script is finished, Pharmacy Manager will return back to the default as set in Pharmacy Details.

Icons used in NDC Pharma32.png

Patient Exempt from paying for the current prescription with a non-age based exemption. This is determined by accessing patient details - press -  then the Exemptions tab of the patient's record.

Patient Exempt from paying for the current prescription with an age based exemption - under 16 and over 60 - together with any PRA variations.

A non-exempt patient: there should be no icon displayed.

A patient with another (non-age) exemption: the non-age based exemption icon (above) should be displayed.

A patient with an age exemption and another exemption (such as tax credit): the age based icon should be displayed.

An exemption of student (with no other exemptions) should display the non-age icon.


The next fiveicons apply to individual patients. They will only show if there is information on the Other tab in Patient Details. Enter the patient's name on theDispensarytab, press , then click on Other.



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Patient Note. This icon will show if there is a note in the patient record. There is no need to access the record to read the note, simply hover the mouse pointer over the icon and the note will appear.

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Child Resistant Container NOT required. The system defaults to all patients having CRCs, but you can tag individuals to 'NO CRC' by checking the box in the Patient Details > Other tab.

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Registered Drug Addict.


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Delivery Service required.

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Repeat Service required.


The following fouricons relate to the medication currently on screen. It will change as each item is dispensed.



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Item is marked as Regular Medication

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Item has one or more interactions that have been suppressed.

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Drug Information Leaflets are available for items that display this icon.

If your system is set to print DILs on demand, press & to print.


These leaflets are also available as part of Knowledge Base which offers an extended range of leaflets for medication, conditions etc.

You can view leaflet information at any time for individual products.

  • Click on the Product Inquiry Icons used in NDC Pharma28.gif icon

  • Enter the product name

  • Highlight the required product and then, beneath the list,

  • Click on the appropriate Knowledge Base button for the leaflet you require.

        Not every product has this information attached, in which case the relevant buttons will not appear in colour.


You can see the following fouricons when using & in theDispensary tab


Menu > View > History > View Dispensed Scripts screen > Forms tab



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Form awaiting Endorsement.

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Form waiting in the Pending tab for completion.

(This icon will also appear in the Owing tab if there is insufficient stock and the system is set to auto order on, using Prism or Fixed Prism, or if the system is set to 'Check stock whilst labelling' is on.)

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Emergency request item waiting to be cleared in Pending for confirmation of receipt.

(You can see this warning icon in the Dispensary tab when an owing is created and in the Product File details, warning you that the product exceeds tariff price when linking a brand to a generic).

Form requires confirmation of an interaction or other information.

Ordering tab



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Supplier Inquiry. Click once on this and type in the supplier's name. Click on OK to give Account and Dialling information.

Icons used in NDC Pharma45.png

New Order Set PharmAssist. Click once and follow the screen prompts to add supplier order sets to the system.

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Pharmacy Ordering Details. Click once to check details regarding order method and order rules.

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Modem configuration. Click once to show details about your modem.

View Order Set details.

  • Select one order set from the drop-down box and then

  • Click on this icon to display all relevant details.

This icon indicates the item on order is an expensive item i.e. it's pack price is above the threshold you have set. The aim of this feature is to reduce wastage arising through the unnecessary ordering of expensive items. The visual indicator can be seen during the ordering process to  will allow you to confirm the need for such products.

See Expensive order item notification.

Discontinued product. If you see this calendar icon beside a product in the Ordering screen, it means the product has been discontinued. Hover the mouse pointer over the icon to see the discontinued reason.

Icons used in NDC Pharma50.png

User Maintained. You will see this icon against all lines that appear in the Ordering tab, items list that are 'user maintained'.

This will apply to any item on automatic stock ordering (auto order ON) that has been manually ordered, or has had the number of packs amended manually.

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A blue exclamation mark icon signifies that an Order Set forms one of the 'Order Rules'. Pharmacy Manager will not allow you to delete any Order Set if it has a blue exclamation mark displayed against it.

ThisIcons used in NDC Pharma51.pngwill only show in the View > Order Set Summary screen.

MDS tab




The left icon indicates the source is a paper prescription, whilst right icon indicates an electronic prescription source.


The left pointing arrow indicates the start of the medication's treatment period. The right pointing icon indicates the end of the medication's treatment period.

This indicates an item has been marked as unused.

This icon indicates the prescription should be separated prior to submission. This only applies to English paper FP10s or EPSR1 prescription forms. The indicator will not appear in Scotland or Wales.

Discontinued product. If you see this clock icon beside a product in the Patient script details screen, it means the product has been discontinued. Hover the mouse pointer over the icon to see the discontinued reason.

 Indicates the dose codes and the administration times are out of synchronisation with the home's default times.

One or more items on the patient's record do not comply with the default nursing home default times that have been set up. It may be that the item is PRN, so this would be correct.

MDS icons

Further icons relating to MDS are explained here.




Further icons relating to electronic prescriptions are explained here.

Updated 9th September 2013