Monitored dosage system in the community (MDSC)


MDSC allows individual patients who do not have any connection to a care home to be dispensed items using a monitored dosage system.


See Add new MDSC patient in order to set a patient as using MDSC


To dispense items to the patient using MDSC:

  • Click the MDS tab.

  • Check View MDSC. This changes the Nursing Home list to a list of patients who are set up for MDSC. The tab name also changes from Nursing Homes to Monitored Dosage in Community, as shown below.

  • Select the appropriate patient from the list.

  • Click Details buttonadjacent to the patient name(or press &) to bring up the MDS details for the chosen patient. Select the appropriate MAR chart and Nomad cassette formats (if using Nomad system), and change any other options that may be necessary.

  • If necessary define the medication period the prescription covers.

  • Click OK to close the MDS details screen.

  • You can now dispense items to the MDSC patient in exactly the same way as for regular care home patients.

See Dispensing non-electronic prescriptions (any region)

See Dispensing EPS electronic prescriptions (England)

See Dispensing eAMS electronic prescriptions (Scotland)

See Dispensing 2DRx barcoded prescriptions (Wales)


Added 3rd December 2010