Installing Printer for Leaflets / Reports / MAR

List of Printers

If you are using Pharmacy Manager to print leaflets to a laser printer, or the thermal printer to print labels then, before setting the printers up, please see:


Automatic Leaflet Printing - setup


Overriding Automatic DILs printing

Printing with Windows printer drivers


For these printers you need to use the Windows drivers and the Printer name rather than the Port name.

Any printer used for Knowledge Base leaflets must first be set as the Windows default printer.

Printing leaflets or A4 forms

Menu > Tools > Printer Configuration > Pharmacy Manager > Printers tab > Select printer > A4 Forms

If you are printing leaflets or A4 paper / forms / reports on this printer, the defaults should work as shown, but you can adjust the settings if you need to. The measurements show the number of characters width / height / margin etc.

  • Click on the A4 Forms tab and make any adjustments.

  • Click on Close to take you back to the Printer Configuration tab.


Menu > Tools > Printer Configuration > Pharmacy Manager > Printers tab > Select printer > Endorsing

The defaults should work as shown, but you can adjust the settings if you need to. The measurements show the number of characters width / height / margin etc.

  • Click on the Endorsing tab and make any adjustments.

  • Click on Close to take you back to the Printer Configuration tab.

Laser printed MAR forms / cassette sheets

If you wish to use the laser printed MAR forms and cassette sheets now available in Pharmacy Manager, you will need to use the Windows driver for the printer.

Menu > Tools > Printer Configuration > Pharmacy Manager > Printers tab > Select printer > Details

  • Tick the option  Print using windows printer driver in the printer's details.

  • Then select the printers name rather than the port to assign the printer.

 Updated 11th December 2006