Removing a Mapping

If you need to remove a mapping, for example, an EMIS item may have been mapped to the wrong Vision 3 term, you can remove it.

Training Tip - If you have only just mapped an EMIS item to the wrong Vision 3 item, start at Step 3 in the following set of instructions.

To remove a mapping:

  1. From Codee, select Favourites and then select the database you want to work on, either:

    • BLUEEMIS PrimaryClinicalCode MSTRVISION READ for clinical terms, or

    • BLUEEMIS DrugPrimaryClinicalCode MSTRVISION DrugPrimaryClinicalCode for medications.

  2. On the right side, in Search code enter your search criteria and find the incorrectly mapped item:

  3. Select the X to remove the mapping. The EMIS item now displays as an unmapped item on the left side of your screen.

You are now ready to map the item correctly.

See Using the Code Mapper for details.
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