Training Plan for Existing Vision 3 Practices

The following training plan has been designed to ensure you are able to confidently use the new aspects of your system to carry out your day to day responsibilities:

Updating to the Latest Vision 3 Release

  • Cegedim Healthcare Solutions register staff for the Learning Zone - All staff are registered for the Learning Zone and should receive an email with their log in details.

  • Practice staff should start preparing for the core Vision 3 system update by completing their training. To ensure all learning styles are catered for, the following training options are available:

    • Pre-recorded Bite-size DLM Videos - A series of bite-size video tutorials are available on the Learning Zone to help practice staff familiarise themselves with the changes included in the DLM 830 update. These video tutorials are no more than 15 minutes in length and can be easily slotted in during the working day. Video tutorials include:

      • Searches and Report Changes

      • Registration Changes

      • Prescribing and Medicine Management Enhancements

      • Instalment Dispensing

      • Management Tools

      • Enhanced Security

      • Consultation Manager Data Entry

    • Release Guides - Release guides are available for anyone who prefers to learn in this way:

Moving to your Hosted Solution

Once dates for your migration to the Hosted Solution is agreed, practice staff should start preparing by completing their training. To ensure all learning styles are catered for, the following training options are available:

  • eLearning - All staff must complete the ‘Moving to your Hosted Solution’ and ‘Your Business Continuity Solution’ elearning modules to familiarise themselves with the changes that the move to the Hosted Solution makes to their day to day work pattern. Both modules are available from the Learning Zone.

  • Live Hosted Solution and Business Continuity webinars - Designed for any member of staff. These scheduled webinars cover the new Hosted Solution and the Business Continuity solution.

Upgrading to Appointments and Appointments Setup

Once dates for your Appointments and Appointments Setup upgrade is agreed, practice staff should start preparing by completing their training. To ensure all learning styles are catered for, the following training options are available:

  • Appointments elearning (for day-to-day appointment bookings)

  • Appointments Setup elearning (for creating and maintaining the appointment books)

  • Live Appointments and Appointments Setup webinars.

  • Click here to book your Webinars.

Following your upgrade to Appointments and Appointments Setup nominated staff members can attend a half day remote support session with a Cegedim Healthcare Solutions Trainer, to review their appointment books and troubleshoot any issues identified.

Migrating to Tasks

Once dates for your Tasks migration is agreed, practice staff should start preparing by completing their training. To ensure all learning styles are catered for, the following training options are available:

Training Tip - Ask staff to record any queries in one place. This enables you to assist each other as you go through and gives the practice contact one place to look for any queries that are outstanding.

Trainer Support

Additional Training and Consultancy Days

  • Provides further support and skills development, where purchased, based on a Training Needs Analysis completed before the training day, helping you improve and increase your use of all aspects of the Cegedim Primary Care Solutions Hosted Solution.

See What training and learning do we offer? for more information on training available from Cegedim Healthcare Solutions and an enquiry form.
See Training Methods and Resources for further details.
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