Updating to the Latest Vision 3 Release

The first phase of your migration to the Cegedim Primary Care Hosted Solution is the updating of your existing Vision 3 system to the latest DLM release. The following plan is designed to facilitate this in the most effective way possible:

Welcome Email

Your nominated contact receives your Welcome email, this contains the following details:

  • Key Dates - Dates for your update to the latest version of Vision 3.

  • Implementation Form Link - You should be completing this form as soon as possible. The Implementation Form is also available from here.

    Important - It is vital that the information on the Implementation Form is accurate and double checked before it is submitted.

Implementation Form

A link to an Implementation Form is included in your Welcome email, please can you complete this with the appropriate details for all of your staff as soon as possible. These details are needed to ensure everyone can log in and use your new Cegedim Primary Care Hosted Solution and allow us to create accounts for the Learning Zone. The Implementation Form is also available from here.

Important - It is vital that the information on the Implementation Form is accurate and double checked before it is submitted.


Your nominated first point of contact receives an email detailing how to access your designated Training Environment and includes links to all your Training Resources.

  • Practice staff should start preparing for the core Vision 3 update by completing their training. To ensure all learning styles are catered for, the following training options are available:

    • Pre-recorded Bite-size DLM Videos - A series of bite-size video tutorials are available on the Learning Zone to help practice staff familiarise themselves with the changes included in the latest Vision 3 update. These video tutorials are no more than 15 minutes in length and can be easily slotted in during the working day. Video tutorials include:

      • Searches and Report Changes

      • Registration Changes

      • Prescribing and Medicine Management Enhancements

      • Instalment Dispensing

      • Management Tools

      • Enhanced Security

      • Consultation Manager Data Entry

    • Release Guides - Release guides are available for anyone who prefers to learn in this way:

    • Live DLM Webinars - All staff should attend a live webinar covering the changes and new functionality included. These webinar sessions are task specific with two options available:

      • DLM Clinical Updates - This one hour session is ideal for clinicians and covers prescribing enhancements, instalment dispensing, medication reviews and spell checker.

      • DLM Administration Updates - This one hour session is ideal for those that complete administrative tasks for their practice. The content covered includes enhanced security, changes to Registration, Search and Reports and Control Panel changes.


On the date agreed, your existing Vision 3 system is updated to latest release. This is run overnight so it should not impact your working day.

What next?

The next part of your migration to the Cegedim Primary Care Hosted Solution is your migration to the Hosted System, see Migrating to the Cegedim Primary Care Hosted Solution for details.

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