Adding Other Clinical Staff
You should add any other clinicians that access and/or record data at your practice Vision 3.
The Role determines the subsequent entries. A list of roles for Health Care Professionals other than GPs is given in Staff Roles. Some roles are classed as Clinicians. This has significance within Consultation Manager when entering data.
- From Control Panel, select File Maintenance and then Staff
, or the Staff tab.
- Now, select either Add
, or right click Active
and select Add Staff.
Complete the Personal tab:
Mandatory information:
- Surname (up to 30 characters)
- Forename1 (up to 30 characters)
- Title - Select as appropriate
- Sex
- Short Name - This is a mandatory entry, up to 5 characters, and is a short way to identify this staff member.Note - The Short Name should only contain letters.
Optional information:
- Preferred Name
- Forename 2
- DoB
- Previous Surname
- Vaild From/Valid To - Enter dates if relevant.
- Inactive - Tick to indicate the nurse is no longer active, and no longer appears on selection lists of active users, see Inactivating a User for details.
- Miles from practice - For travel expenses, to record the number of miles the staff member is from the practice. Leave blank rather than entering zero.
- Select the Professional tab and complete the following:
- Role - Determines subsequent entries, select as appropriate.
- Prescribing number:
- Nurse :
- England and Wales - Prescriber number format NNANNNNA where N is a number and A is a letter.
- Scotland - Prescribing number is a 5 character alphabetic field. The first is the Health Board cipher, the second two are the unique identifier for the nurse, and the last two identify the practice.
- Northern Ireland - Prescriber number format is four digit numbers (pricing numbers).
Physiotherapist - Prescriber number format is PH99999 (5 digits)
Chiropodist - Prescriber number format is CH99999 (5 digits)
Radiographer - Prescriber number format is RA99999 (5 digits)
Optometrist - Prescriber number format is OP99999 (5 digits)
- Nurse :
- Complete the remainder of the screen:
- Depending on the prescribing status of the prescriber:
- Independent/Supplementary Prescriber - Once a valid Prescribing Number is entered, tick Independent Prescriber:
- Independent/Supplementary Prescriber - Once a valid Prescribing Number is entered, tick Independent Prescriber:
- Employed by Practice - Ticked by default, remove the tick and select the organisation or HB for which they work in Employer if appropriate. Training Tip - The organisation must be set up in Control Panel - File Maintenance - Organisation to be available to select.
- Type of Employee - Select as appropriate.
- Main Speciality - Select from the available options if required, see NHS Specialities for details.
- Interest Speciality - Select from the available options if required, see NHS Specialities for details.
- Dates Joined and left Practice - Enter the date the clinician joined the practice. When they leave the practice, enter a date In Date Left Practice.
- Date Qualified - Optional, enter a date if required.
- Date Registered - Optional, enter a date if required.
- Date Became Principal - For GP's only.
- Date of 24 hour retirement - For GP's only.
- Job Sharer - Optional, if the role is job sharing, you can select other members of staff they are sharing the post with.
- Insurance Company, Expiry Date, Insurance Number - Optional, complete if required.Training Tip - The organisation must be set up in Control Panel - File Maintenance - Organisation to be available to select.
- CHS, Maternity, Minor Surgery, Contraception - For GP's only.
- Depending on the prescribing status of the prescriber:
That completes the Professional tab.
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