An Introduction to File Maintenance
File Maintenance is where you add and maintain:
- Practice Staff
- Staff Groups
- Practice details
- Organisations details, for example, hospitals and consultants.
- Electronic Test Request services
It is also where you can set up:
- Staff configuration in bulk
- Online Services
- England only - Vaccine Usage reporting
- Various Settings - See Settings for details
This information must be added before any clinical or registration data is entered in Vision 3. Once everything is set up, you only need to use File Maintenance occasionally as and when there are changes or additions.
To access File Maintenance:
From the Vision 3 front screen, select Management Tools - Control Panel
and then File Maintenance
Note - When you access File Maintenance, it can take a moment to build.
Note – To print this topic select Print
in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.