Control Panel - File Maintenance - Settings is where you configure your practice-wide therapy settings.
Therapy setting are spread over the following tabs:
Therapy, see Therapy Tab for details.
Formulary (Scotland only), see Formulary Tab for details,
Prescriptions, see Prescriptions Tab for details.
Select a topic below to expand the section:

To view and update the settings:
From Control Panel
- File Maintenance select Settings
The Vision System Settings screen displays, select the Therapy tab:
Complete the sections as required:
Medication Review - Set your defaults for medication reviews. You can use the following abbreviations: D (Days), M (Months), Y (Years), for example 6M = 6 months:
Date Offset - Set the period in the future when you want to carry out the medication review. The default is six months, update if required.
Overdue Offset - Set the period after the review is due that you want it to display as overdue, red in the Review column. The default is zero, update if required.
Due Offset - Set the period before the review is due when you want to be reminded. The default is minus two weeks, yellow in the Review column. Update if required.
Default Read Code - The clinical term you want to use for medication reviews. Defaults to 8B3S.00 Medication review, update if required.
Date Offset Limit - Defaults to the maximum time frame of 13 months, this is the offset date entered automatically when you select Item Review from any Therapy - Add screen.
- Old Repeat Offset - Enter a time period, for example 18m (18 months). Repeat masters not issued during this time display in red on the left-hand column in the Repeat Master screen.
- Repeat Limit - Set a practice wide maximum number of repeats anyone in your practice can authorise. By default
England, Wales and Northern Ireland - Defaults to 366, update as required with a maximum of 999.
Scotland - Defaults to 99, update as required with a maximum of 99.
See Consultation Manager Setup - Therapy Settings for details on setting a prescriber specific limit .
- Enable Inactive/Reactivation Reason - You cannot delete repeat masters once they have been issued, to stop a repeat master, it must be inactivated. Tick to enable inactivate/reactivation reasons.
- Repeats Interval - A practice wide setting, specifies the default time between repeat issues. Defaults to 28 days, update as required.
Enable Repeat Dispensing - A practice wide setting, tick to activate Repeat Dispensing functionality.
See Repeat Dispensing in the Consultation Manager Help Centre for details. -
Repeat Dispensing Warning Days - A practice wide setting, defaults to 10 days. This triggers a message when reauthorising a batch prescription which has more than the specified days before expiry. You can enter between 1-99.
- Out of Practice - Scotland only:
- Dosage Warning Text - Enter the warning to display if an item prescribed else where is selected to issue.
- Non Medical Prescribing - Mandatory in Scotland, optional elsewhere. Tick to restrict all Non-Medical Prescribers, for example, Nurses and Paramedics to the appropriate National Drug Select Rule for your country.Note - This is a practice wide setting and cannot be updated for individual Non-Medical Prescribers.
Select OK to save.

To activate and set up the Cegedim Healthcare Solutions Formulary Management Tool (FMT) options within Vision 3:
From Control Panel
- File Maintenance select Settings
The Vision System Settings screen displays, select the Formulary tab:
Select Activate Service to enable the Cegedim Healthcare Solutions Formulary Management Tool (FMT).
Select Setup Services to manage the allocation of formularies to your members of staff.
Select OK to save.

To view and update the settings:
From Control Panel
- File Maintenance select Settings
The Vision System Settings screen displays, select the Prescriptions tab:
Complete the sections as required:
Prescription Form - By default, PRN options are switched off. Selecting one of the following, enables PRN printing:
Separate out PRN’s - Tick to print/send PRN medication on a separate prescription.
One PRN per script - Tick to print/send only one PRN item per prescription.
PRN Guidance Text - Enter guidance text to print on the reorder form to help your patients when they are ordering PRN items.
Reorder Form
Include Out of Practice - Tick to include items prescribed outside of your practice on the reorder form.
Included Non-Allopathic - Tick to include non-allopathic items the reorder form.
Out of Practice Guidance Text - Enter guidance text to print on the reorder form to help your patients when they are ordering medication.
Non-Allopathic Guidance Text - Enter guidance text to print on the reorder form to help your patients when they are ordering medication.
Select OK to save.