Searching for a Patient

To search for a patient, press F3 on your keyboard or select Patient search from the toolbar. The Search screen that displays depends on the option you have set up in Preferences - General.

Selecting a Search Input screen

Note - The Multiple input search screen option is not available for federation users, this defaults to Single input.

From Preferences - General select your preferred default Patient Search screen view:

Select one of the following methods of input:

  • Single input - When you search for a patient, the Patient Search screen displays by default:

    This search will try to match your terms to the following fields:

    • Surname Forename

    • Date of Birth

    • Postcode

    • NHS/CHI Number

  • Multiple inputs - When you search for a patient, the Patient Search (Form) screen displays by default:

    You must enter at least one of the following combinations:

    • NHS/CHI number and date of birth, or

    • Date of birth, family name and gender

See Preferences - General for more details.

How to Search for a Patient

The way you search for a patient depends on how you access Appointments:

  • If you access Appointments from your Desktop you can search for a patient using the following options:

    • Surname - In full or part, for example, Smith or Smi.
    • Surname Forename - There is no comma between the names, for example, Smith John.
    • Date of Birth - In full or part, see the following examples:
    • Postcode - In full or part, for example, AB12 3CD or AB12.
    • NHS/CHI Number - In full.
  • If you access Appointments through the Vision 3 Home screen you can search for a patient using the following options:

    • Surname - In full or part, for example, Smith or Smi.
    • Surname, Forename - You must use the comma between the names, for example, Smith, John.
    • Surname, Forename, Date of Birth - In full or part, for example, Smith, John, 1980.
    • Surname, Date of Birth - In full or part, for example, Smith, 091980.
    • Date of Birth - In full or part, see the following examples:

National Patient Search

Note - This is only available if you access Appointments from your Desktop in England.

A National Patient Search searches for patients in England registered at TPP practices. This is useful if you work in a federation of practices using multiple software providers.

See National Patient Search - England Only for more information.

Sorting Patient Search Results

If you receive a high number of results, you can use the available sorting options to group the results and navigate them with greater ease:

To sort the patient search results:

  1. Select the required sorting option, for example Age .
  2. The search results sort accordingly.
Note - Only one sorting option can be applied at a time.
Note - After applying a sorting option, the results display in ascending order . Select the sorting option again to display the results in descending order .
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