Exporting Appointments

Note - An automatic backup of the next 7 days' appointments data can be set up, see Preferences - Backup for more details.

You can export an Appointments list to either PDF (printable) or CSV (Microsoft Excel) format.

To export the appointments for a clinic list on a specific day:

  1. From the Reception screen, select the day required and filter to the clinic lists required.
  2. Select Options and then Export Appointments.
  3. The Export all appointments screen displays:

  4. Complete as follows:
    • Select Export Type – Select from:
      • PDF – Tick to create a printed list.
      • CSV – Tick to export the appointments into an Excel spreadsheet.
    • Do not show again – Tick to skip this screen in future.
    • Show Comments – Tick to include any appointment comments in the export.
  5. Select Yes to start the export.
  6. The Save As screen displays, select where to save the file to and give it a name:

  7. The Export Complete screen displays, select OK to close:

Note - Applying a filter and completing the above steps allows you to export a custom range of appointments. See Applying or Editing Filters.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.