Extra Indicators

Vision+ provides Extra Indicators which are used by the practice for recall purposes and help monitor the QOF/QAIF disease category recalls.

As with other templates, Alert Indicators are available, and patients can be sent letters or SMS from Practice Reports.

See Extra Indicators Report for details.
Note - To view alert indicators for the extra indicators, Extra Indicators must be enabled in the Settings screen, see Settings - Options for details.

Accessing the Extra Indicators Template

To access the Extra Indicators template:

  1. From the Windows Notification Area, right click Vision+ and select QOF Templates:

  2. Select Extra indicators.

  3. The Extra Indicators Template displays:

  4. Any relevant patient information displays.

  5. You can update any indicator as follows:

    • History:
      • A blue arrow displays if the row contains none or one relevant clinical term.
      • A red arrow displays if the row contains more than one relevant clinical term.
      • To close the History screen, select Close . The window can also be resized using the Resize option.

    • Additional - Add a code for the selected indicator, see below.
    • Exception - Add an exception code for the selected indicator.
    • Undo Last Entry - Select to delete the clinical term previously entered on that line during the current session.
  6. Selecting Additional displays the Codeset Codes screen with codes for the selected indicator:

  7. Select Apply. You can also select a priority and enter freetext notes.
  8. Select OK to save the data or Cancel to return to the template.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.