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How Registration Status affects the National Summary

Once you have enabled SCR you can continue to register new patients as before in Vision 3 - Registration. However, the registration processes used have been updated to ensure patient consent and SCR are sent for new patients.

The following details explain how the processes have been updated:

  • New Permanent Registrations - New permanently registered patients will have an SCR available to view in Consultation Manager. Patients with an existing summary on the Spine from their previous practice will have a note attached to their SCR for 60 days, advising that the SCR may not be up to date. See New Permanently Registered Patients
  • PDS/ACS Mismatch - Once you have registered a permanent patient their SCR is available, unless they have a Patient Demographic Service (PDS) or Access Control Service (ACS) mismatch. Any outstanding mismatch will prevent the SCR being updated or sent. See SCR PDS/ACS Mismatch
  • Non-Permanent Registrations - Non-permanently registered patients, eg Temporary Residents do not have a SCR viewable in Consultation Manager. To view a SCR for a non-permanent patient use the new SCR Viewer. See Non-Permanently Registered Patients
  • Transferred Out Transactions - When a patient transfers out their SCR is automatically updated with a message that the SCR is no longer updated as the patient has left the practice. See Transferred Out Patients
  • FP69 Notification - When a patient fails to respond to an invitation or has returned NHS mail, eg Breast screening invitation, they may have a FP69 Notification this is valid for 6 months. If the patient has an active FP69 you cannot view the patients SCR. See FP69 FlagTransferred Out Patients

In this section

New Permanently Registered Patients

Transferred Out Patients

FP69 Notifications