Selecting a Patient

When you select a patient, Vision 3 checks the following details with the NHS Spine:

  • Patient details - PDS synchronisation is run when you select a patient. For patients with personal or demographic details that differ to the NHS Spine, a PDS Mismatch displays. You should verify the details with the patient and process the updated details, or defer making changes for the time being. If you defer, a SCR PDS Synchronisation is run, if the patient has sufficient matched data their identity confirms, see SCR PDS Synchronisation. If the patient demographic data does not successfully SCR PDS synchronise they unlink, you then cannot update or send SCR for the patient, see Unlinked patients for details.
  • Consent Preference - The patient's consent details are checked on the NHS Spine (Access Control Service - ACS) each time you select them in Consultation Manager. If the patient dissents and the patient's local consent record does not match the NHS Spine an ACS mismatch message displays, see ACS Mismatch for further details. You cannot update or send any SCR updates until the mismatch is resolved. If the ACS mismatch is not resolved the patient's existing SCR and local record can be viewed but not updated. Once "dissent" is stored on the NHS Spine, no NHS Spine summaries can be viewed or sent for the patient.
See PDS/Vision 3 Mismatch and ACS Mismatch for details.

To select a patient from Vision 3 modules:

  1. From the Vision 3 module you can either:
    • Select Select Patient ,or
    • Press <F3> on your keyboard.
  2. The Select Patient screen displays:

  1. Change the Search Attribute if required using the down arrow and then enter the first few letters of the selected criteria in Search Details.
  2. Select Find .

  3. The Select Patient screen displays with the search results:

  1. Locate the patient you require and either double click on them, or highlight the patient required and select OK. Use the right horizontal scroll arrow to view further patient details off-screen on the right.

Common ways to find a patient:

Select a topic below to expand the section:

Note - If the patient you select is marked as a Sensitive Patient and you do not have permission to access them, a warning message displays, select OK to accept.
Note - The Active Patients Only tick box and Options are only available on the Select Patient screen if you have rights in Security to view archived patients.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.