Registered GP
Your GPs should have already been set up in Control Panel - File Maintenance - Staff. (If this has not already been done, cancel this patient addition, exit from Registration, and go into the File Maintenance module, and add each GP).
To select a GP. either:
- Select the down arrow
and select the GP required.
- Keep typing 'D' until the correct Dr appears.
Note - You can select a different Usual GP for this patient later.
For Registration Links practices, existing patients who change their Registered GP generate an Amendment Transaction.
Important - Vision and Registration Links/Partners does not currently allow registration of patients with the practice, it has to be with a specific GP.
See Change of GP within the practice if you want to change a patient's Registered GP.
See Partnership Reallocation if a partner retires or leaves, and patients need to be transferred in bulk.
Note - Practices without partners or senior partners are becoming more commonplace, with some practices only having salaried GPs. Officially, salaried GPs have their own prescribing number and as far as the PPA is concerned, each salaried GP is treated as a partner in the practice. One of the salaried GPs should be specified as the senior partner (decided by the practice) in Vision - Control Panel - File Maintenance - Staff.