Delete Filters

Filters provide a quick way to view a selection of book owners, for example all GP's or all Nurses.

  1. Select the Saved filters option from the Appointments Setup menu.

    The list of current filters display.

  1. Click the filter name to select.
    The Edit and Delete options activate.
  2. Select the Delete button to remove.
  3. Select Save to save your changes or Reset to cancel any changes:

Updating Rows

The following notifications display on the screen when additions, modifications and deletions are made:

  • Addition - Adding a new row.

  • Modification - Modifying an existing row.

  • Deletion - Deleting rows.

Note - The notifications disappear once you save or reset the changes, a warning symbol displays if the change cannot be made, for example, if the name is already in use.
See Add Filters and Edit Filters for more information.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.