Accessing MIQUEST
Only System Administrators have access rights to MIQUEST by default. To allocate access to MIQUEST to additional staff:
From the Vision 3 front screen, select Management Tools - Control Panel - Security.
Allocate SYS and at least one other user or group rights to MIQUEST by dragging and dropping their name from the left-hand pane onto MIQUEST on the right. Or make the user a member of System Managers and drop this group on to the MIQUEST function.
There are three sections of the MIQUEST security tree. By default, all users have access to all parts of MIQUEST:
MIQUEST - Any user or group directly under MIQUEST has access to all parts of MIQUEST.
Queries - Any user or group placed under the Queries heading can import and run queries but has no access to Practice or Enquirer Maintenance.
Data Collection Agreement Maintenance - Any user or group placed under Data Collection Agreement Maintenance can access Practice and Enquirer Maintenance and run queries.