Transaction Types
Transaction Types include those listed below:
Note - You cannot display all transaction types from all screens, for example only incoming transactions display in Incoming Transactions.
Outgoing Transactions from GP to the TP:
- ACG - Acceptance Transaction - FP1/GP1 - Application to go on doctor's list, FP4/GP4 medical card, FP13 Ex-services, FP58/GP58 pink/white baby card, see Acceptance Transaction ACG for details.
- AMG - Amend Out - Changes in personal, address and registration details of permanent patients, see Amendment Transactions AMG/AMF for details.
- REG - Rejection Transaction or Removal transaction - Address change outside GP area, see Rejection Transactions REF/REG for details.
- DER - Deduction Request Transaction - Request to deduct patient if died, left area or embarked (England, Wales and Northern Ireland only), see Deduction Request Transaction DER for details.
- DEH - Security - Deduct patient
- AMH - Security - Amend NHS Number (England, Wales and Northern Ireland only)
- CMH - Security - Amend CHI Number (Scotland only)
- MRH - Security - Clear Medical Records Flag
- APH - Security - Approve Patient
- FFH - Security - FP69 Flag Removal (England, Wales and Northern Ireland only), see Troubleshooting in Registration Links for details.
Incoming Transactions from the TP to GP:
- AMF - Amend In, see Amendment Transactions AMG/AMF for details.
- DEF - Deduction Transaction (FP22/GP22) - Removes patient from list, for example, transfers out, see Deduction Transactions DEF for details.
- APF - Approval Transaction (Z68 / GP7A/8A) - Approves new patient on list, see Approval Transaction APF for details.
- REF - Rejection Transaction - See Rejection Transactions REF/REG for details.
- MRF - Medical Records Flag Removal Transaction - See Medical Records Transactions MRF/MRS for details.
- MRS - Medical Records Sent Flag Transaction
- DRR - Deduction Request Rejection Transaction (England, Wales and Northern Ireland only), see Deduction Request Rejection DRR for details.
- FPN - FP69 Prior Notification Transaction (England, Wales and Northern Ireland only), see FP69 Prior Notification FPN for details.
- FFR - FP69 Flag Removal Transaction (England, Wales and Northern Ireland only)
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