Selecting a Stock Control Method

Using Pharmacy Manager, you can easily manage your dispensary stock. There are 3 methods of stock control:

  • Balance - Pharmacy Manager orders a replacement each time an item is dispensed.

  • Prism - Pharmacy Manager calculates what to order automatically, taking into account the past 90 days of dispensing usage.

    See Prism Stock Control for details.
  • Fixed Prism - Set a minimum stock level and Pharmacy Manager orders items as required to maintain this.

Note - The above 3 methods can be applied to individual products or across all stock within Pharmacy Manager.

Setting your Default Stock Control Method

To set your default stock control method:

  1. Log on to the server machine.

  2. From the Pharmacy Manager Toolbar, select Tools - System Settings - Pharmacy Details:

  1. The Pharmacy Details screen displays.
  2. Select the Ordering tab and select Stock Control:

  1. Choose the appropriate Stock control method from the list:

  2. Select OK to save.

Setting the Stock Control Method for an Individual Product

To set the Stock Control Method for an individual product:

  1. From the Pharmacy Manager Search bar select the drop-down arrow and select Product:

  2. Enter the Product Name and select Search :

  3. The Find Product screen displays. Select the required product and select Details:

    The Product Details screen displays.

  4. Choose a different Order method from the list:
  5. Note - If Order method is left blank, the default stock control method is used.
  6. Select OK to save.

Minimum Order Stock Level

To help with stock control, you can set up a Minimum Order Stock Level for each/a product, regardless of the order method you use. This can be quite useful for popular products to ensure that enough stock is in the pharmacy at all times.

To set a minimum stock level:

  1. From the Pharmacy Manager Search bar select the drop-down arrow and select Product:

  2. Enter the Product Name and select Search :

  3. The Find Product screen displays. Select the required product and select Details:

    The Product Details screen displays.

  4. Choose a different Order method and enter the necessary additional details:
    • Minimum stock level - If you are using Fixed Prism, enter your minimum stock level. When the stock quantity falls below this level, an order is raised.
    • Minimum order quantity - This is the smallest quantity of the product that you want to order.
    Note - If Order method is left blank, the default stock control method is used.
  5. Select OK to save.
To switch on auto ordering see Setting up Auto Ordering for details.


Selecting a Stock Control Method (2:36)