Sorting and Filtering New App Requests

You can sort and filter the New App Requests patient list:

  • To sort the requests, simply select the column header to sort oldest to newest / A-Z or newest to oldest / Z-A :

  • Select FILTER to display the Filters screen:

    Select from the following:

    • Show matched patients - Set to On as default. Select the toggle to display or hide matched patients on the New App Requests screen.

      Training Tip - You do not need to do anything with matched patients as the system automatically matches them to a patient in Pharmacy Manager, they display for your information only. Set Show matched patients to Off to display items that require action only.
    • Show dismissed requests - Set to Off as default. Select the toggle to display or hide dismissed requests on the New App Requests screen.

      See Dismiss Requests for details.
Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.