Adding a New Controlled Drug Register

To add a new Drug Register to the Controlled Drug Registers:

  1. From the Controlled Drug Registers screen, select ADD NEW REGISTER :

  2. The Add New Register screen displays, complete as follows:

    • Drug Details:

      • Select a Product - Search for and select a product from the list provided.

    Note - You can search by the generic or brand name of the drug.
    Training Tip - If you cannot find the drug on the list you can manually create a drug, see Creating a Drug for details.
  3. Select SUBMIT and the Drug Register screen displays for the selected product with a balance of zero.

    Training Tip - Select the Back Arrow to leave without making any changes.

Creating a Drug

If you cannot find the controlled drug you require, you can manually create one. To create a controlled drug:

  1. From the Controlled Drug Registers screen, select ADD NEW REGISTER .

  2. The Add New Register screen displays select CREATE DRUG :

  3. The Create Drug screen displays, complete as follows:

    • Drug Details:

      • Class

      • Brand Name

      • Strength

      • Form

  4. Select OK and the Drug Register screen displays for the selected product with a balance of zero.

    Training Tip - Select CANCEL to leave without making any changes.
Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.