View sent orders


You can view, print or resend orders that you sent previously.

  • Press   & or go into


> Ordering tab > Menu > View > Sent Orders


The View Sent Orders screen appears.

This displays details of the supplier sent to, type of order, date and time of order sent, and the order result.

On the Display back to drop-down, you can select to display past orders for Today, Yesterday, A week, A month or All.

Orders that have failed transmission can be displayed, along with orders that have been successfully processed.

From this screen, you can select to Print or Resend the order (if it has previously failed), or View the communications log.

Order Reference  

It is possible to append an order reference to each order.  This may be useful as a cross reference using the invoice number for the goods supplied.

The order reference can also help streamline the stock control of ordered items that are going to be placed in a dispensing robot. See also Rowa Ordering.

View Communication Session Log

Should an order be rejected, or fail, it may be necessary to look at the details of the transmission. The Service Desk would normally be consulted in this instance. They may ask you to look at the log of the transmission, and perhaps copy the file for them.

  • Select a supplier and double-click it, or click on the View button.

This takes you to the Communications Session Details screen.

  • Click on the Log tab to see the session log:


     Remember - use keyboard shortcuts such as plus the underlined letter.It's quicker and easier!