Patient eligibility for targeted MURs  


Patient eligibility and the corresponding prompts or labels generated by Pharmacy Manager will be based on qualifying criteria being met.


No label prompts will be produced nor screen prompts appear for patients in England or Wales where any of the exclusion criteria apply:

  • The patient has already received an MUR, where the status is in progress or complete, within the previous 12 months.

  • The user has previously been prompted about offering the patient an MUR but the patient has declined.

  • The patient is less than 18 years old.

  • The patient lives in a care home.

Additionally, in England

  • The patient has not undertaken a New medicine service review in the previous six months

  • The patient has prescription activity for at least the last three months at the pharmacy

New medicine service

In certain circumstances in England,  a patient may be a candidate for both a targeted MUR and for NMS at the same time.

  • The patient has not received a new medicine service in the last six months.

  • The patient is already prescribed medication that makes them eligible for a tMUR (see above), but they have not had one.

  • Then the patient has an additional medicine, covered by NMS, dispensed.

  • Their eligibility for tMUR produces that prompt.

  • Whatever action is undertaken with the tMUR prompt - start MUR, decline or defer - the NMS prompt will then appear.

  • Patient enrolment for NMS should then be processed as necessary - consent, decline or defer.


In this scenario, the type of prompt - display, label print or both -  is dependent on your tMUR configuration and you NMS configuration.


  See also NMS and MURs


Updated 22nd February 2012