Action Review Comments

Following a Review, you can view the comments, resolve them, or reply to the reviewer with your own comments.

All comments are date and time-stamped by each user, providing a change history of the relevant nodes and/or workflow.

Viewing Comments

  1. From the Workflow Designer select the workflow.
    Note - The Workflow reverts to Draft mode following review completion and can be edited as required.
  2. To view comments on a specific Node, select Comments from the left of the node.
    Or to view all comments select View Reviewers Comments from the toolbar, or Comments from the upper right corner of the Workflow.

    The Node Comments pop-up displays.

  3. Optionally, the comments can be filtered by status:
    • Any
    • Resolved
    • Open
  4. The actions available are:
    • Reply
      Respond to the comments.
    • Resolve
      Mark the issue as resolved.
    • Reopen
      If a comment has been marked as resolved it can be reopened for further action.
    • Edit
      You can only edit comments made by yourself.
    • New Comment
      Add a new comment.

    All comments are date and time-stamped by user, providing a change history of the relevant nodes and/or workflow.

  5. If new comments are added or edited, save the workflow and send for Peer Review.