Send a Workflow for Review

Once a Workflow has been created, it can be reviewed before publishing.

Note - You must save any changes before sending the Workflow for peer review.
  1. From the Workflow Designer dashboard open the Workflow you want to send for review.
    Note - The Workflow must be in Draft mode.
  2. Select File  from the toolbar.
    The workflow menu displays.

  3. Choose Peer Review from the menu.
    The Reviewers List pop-up displays.
  4. Select Reviewer(s) from the list.

  5. Optionally, select a date from the Calendar to set a Review Deadline.

  6. Choose a Reminder Interval from the list, this sets the frequency for email reminders to be sent to the user's registered email address.
    • Weekly
    • Biweekly
    • Monthly (default)
  7. Select OK.

    The status of the workflow changes from (Draft) mode to (IN REVIEW), and an email containing a review notification is automatically sent to each reviewer.

    The workflow remains locked until it has been reviewed.