Edit User

The Edit User function enables you to:

  • Amend User Details
  • Inactivate User
  • Set/remove Administration rights
  • Update Licences

To select a user:

  1. From the main Dashboard select the Administration tile.
  2. Select Users from the menu.

    Users list displays.
  3. Select the User you want to edit.

  4. From the toolbar select the Edit User.

  5. Update User details as required:

    • Title (Mandatory)
      Choose from the drop-down list:
      Ms, Miss, Mrs, Mr, Dr or Prof.
    • Name (Mandatory)
    • Surname (Mandatory)
    • Email Address (Mandatory)
      This must be an email address.
    • Job Title
    • Authentication Type (Mandatory)
      Choose from Normal authentication or Two Factor authentication - email (recommended).
    • Enabled (selected by default) activates the user account.

    Select Save to update.

  6. To Inactivate a user, clear the Enabled checkbox.

  7. To set the user as an Administrator, select the Is administrator checkbox.

    Alternatively, clear the Is administrator checkbox to remove Administration rights.

  8. To manage User Licenses:

    In the Licenses section select Assign to allocate available product licenses or clear the Assign checkbox to revoke a License.

    Note - Revoked licences can be reallocated to other users.
  9. Select Save to update.
See - Add User.