Add User

Adding a New User (2.01)

Adding a User involves two stages:

  • Enter User Details
  • Allocate Licences
  1. From the main Dashboard select Administration.
  2. Select Users from the menu, and Users from the sub menu.

    The Users list displays.

  3. From the toolbar select Add User .

    The Add User pop-up displays.

  4. In the Details tab, enter the following:
    • Title (Mandatory)
      Choose from the drop-down list:
      Ms, Miss, Mrs, Mr, Dr or Prof.
    • Name (Mandatory)
    • Surname (Mandatory)
    • Email Address (Mandatory)
      This must be a valid email address as this is used for Two Factor Authentication, it also needs to be unique.
    • Job Title
    • Authentication Type (Mandatory)
      Choose from Normal authentication or Two Factor authentication - email (recommended).
    • Enabled (selected by default) activates the user.
  5. In the Organisation Details section, select the appropriate Organisation from the drop-down list.

  6. To set the user as an Administrator, select the Role from the drop-down list.

    See - Administration Roles for the associated functions for each role.
  7. In the Licenses section select Assign to allocate available product licenses.

  8. Select Save to add the new user.
    An email notifies the user that their account is enabled and includes a system generated password, which they are prompted to change on first use.
See - Edit User.