Processing Documents in Vision 3

To attach documents to a patient record:

  1. If not already open, open Vision 3 and select Consultation Manager.

  2. Select the Local Index .

  3. Select Scanning Assistant .

  4. The Add Attachment screen displays, select Load a folder and navigate to the folder containing your scanned documents:

  5. Your scanned documents display, if required, double click on a document to view the details.

  6. From Add Attachment, right click on a document and select Open Patient Record. The patient record displays.

    Training Tip - We recommend you start at the top of the list and work down.
  7. Next, from Add Attachment, right click on the same document and select Attach to Vision. An entry is added to the patient record with all the related metadata:

  8. Optionally, you can now summarise the document. From Add Attachment select the Letter Summary tab, search for and select the required clinical term:

    See Updating the Term Description List for details on how to update the list available.
  9. A History - Add screen displays with the clinical term selected, add any Comments as required and select OK to save.

Training Tip - You can workflow a scanned document from Vision 3 by creating a task and attaching the document to it, see Creating a Task for details.
Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.