Private Controlled Drug Prescriptions
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To prescribe controlled drugs privately in England:
- Advanced Printing must be switched on and a printer profile for Private CD Prescription set up with stationery FP10PCDSS.
- They must be printed on CD prescription form FP10PCDSS
- A Private Controlled Drug Prescriber (PCD) code must be added to the prescriber in Vision 3, it replaces the PPA/NMC/HSW code in the clinician box on the left-hand side of all FP10PCDSS prescriptions. To add the PCD code:
- From the Vision 3 front screen, select Management Tools - Control Panel - File Maintenance.
- Select the prescriber and then Edit.
- Select the Identifiers tab and then select Add.
- From Identifier Type select PCD Code and enter the 6-digit PCD code into Identifier Value.
Select OK to save.
See Adding Staff - A Quick Reference Guide in the Management Tools Help Centre for full details.
When controlled drugs are prescribed privately in England:
- Warnings display, see Warnings on Adding a Private Controlled Drug for details.
- The prescriber type prints at the top of the drug area on the prescription form, according to staff role:
- Private doctor
- Private nurse prescriber
- Private pharmacist prescriber

You cannot print private controlled drug prescriptions in Scotland, they must be handwritten on private CD prescriptions PPCD(1).

To prescribe controlled drugs privately in Wales an Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) code must be added to the prescriber in Vision 3.
To add the IPC code:
- From the Vision 3 front screen, select Management Tools - Control Panel - File Maintenance.
- Select the prescriber and then Edit.
- Select the Identifiers tab and then select Add.
- From Identifier Type select IPC Code and enter the code into Identifier Value. The code format is PNNNNNN, for example, P123456.
Select OK to save.
See Controlled Drugs and Warnings on Adding a Private Controlled Drug for details.
Note - To print this topic select Print
in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.