Tabs on the Consultation Manager Views
Navigating the Tabs on the Patient's Record (2.07)
An Introduction to Vision 3 Tabs
The Vision 3 Patient Record contains various tabs which display data in one of two ways either:
- Chronologically - You can however sort records by date, clinician and description, simply select the column header you want to sort by, or
- By category - Summary lists where data is grouped into categories.
The tabs that display by default vary depending on your view, see Consultation Manager Setup - Patient Record for set up details.
The order of tabs and what data they show is user-definable, see Data View Options for Tabs for details.
Sorting and Viewing Data
Data can be sorted by selecting the column heading. Most tabs can be sorted by date and clinician, with the following additions:
- From the Therapy tab, you can also sort therapy lists by action group.
- From the History, Journal and Filtered tabs, data can also be sorted by description, clinical term and type of data.
- From the Consultation tab, data can also be sorted by consultation type.
If you double click a line in a data view, the - Display screen displays. This is true of all tabs except Next Patient, Appointments, Guidelines, Consultation and Patient Details.
Adding Data
Most tabs have a data entry form at the bottom and in most cases this is READ term - Add, or on the Therapy tab, either Repeat Master - Add or Acute Therapy - Add, but you can also add data in the following ways from a tab:
- On some tabs, such as Prevention and Freehand, if you click on a line in the Data View, the corresponding data entry screen displays. For example, from the Prevention tab, highlighting a BP line displays the Blood Pressure - Add screen.
- You can hide or display a - Add screen by:
- Pressing Esc on your keyboard, hides or displays a data entry form.
- Selecting Cancel to close a data entry form.
- Pressing the + key on your keyboard, if the focus is not on the form.
- Just start typing and a screen relevant to the tab you are on displays
- Right click on any line on a data view and select Add.
Filtered Tab
If you select a Vision 3 view with the Navigation pane on the left-hand side, this has a tree-like hierarchy summarising the patient's data which can be shown selectively in the Filtered
Only categories with data recorded display, to see all categories:
- From the Navigation pane, right click on Initial Filter at the top of the navigation pane.
- Select Show items with no data.
Floating Drop Target
- The Floating Drop Target can be used from most tabs. Drag an entry and drop it on to one of the options on the Floating Drop Target. This is particularly useful from the Therapy tab, where you can make an acute into a repeat, a repeat into an acute or copy an acute or repeat.See Dragging and Dropping in Consultation Manager for details.
Keyboard Shortcuts
From a tab you can press:
- Control + Tab on your keyboard to move to the next tab, as long as your focus is the tab screen.
- Control + Shift + Tab on your keyboard to move to the previous tab.
- Shift + F10 on your keyboard displays the right mouse menu.
- Up and Down Arrows on your keyboard moves you through the categories in the Navigation pane if you have already have one selected.
- Control + A on your keyboard selects all text, for example, on a Journal view, should you wish to copy (Control + C) and paste (Control + V).
You can set up your own "hot" keys for tabs in Data View Options by placing an & before the letter in the Tab Label that you want to be the hot key, for example, for the Filtered tab, change the tab title to '&Filtered', so Control + F on your keyboard reaches the Filtered tab.
The following tabs are available:
- The Appointments List
- Consultation Tab
- Filtered Tab
- Freehand Tab
- Guidelines Tab
- History Tab
- Journal Tab
- Links Tab
- Patient Details
- Patient Select Tab
- Prevention Tab
- Summary/Grid Tab
- Therapy tab