Guideline Triggers
Guidelines can be triggered by data entry, when this is the case they appear minimised at the bottom of the
. Select the Guideline to display it in full on the Guidelines tab.When you enter a clinical term that is set to trigger a Guideline, what happens next depends on what is set up in Consultation - Options - Setup - Management - Automatic Triggering, if it is set to:
Disable triggering - No guideline triggers, even if you enter the correct triggering clinical term.
Active triggering - The relevant Guideline(s) displays full screen with the 'The following Guidelines are available for this condition. Select the appropriate Guideline and press View. Alternatively you may Exit without invoking a Guideline. [name of guideline]' message.
Select to View the guideline, or Exit, or Edit the Triggers for this Guideline (the clinical terms that trigger it). You also have the following options:
Don't show this dialogue again during this session - Select to switch guidelines off for the remainder of this Consultation Manager session.
Never show this dialogue again - Select to switch Guidelines off altogether. If, later, you want to switch guidelines on again, go to Consultation - Options - Setup - Management, and tick the Passive or Active Triggering.
Passive triggering - Then a triggered Guideline displays as a open book Guideline and green line in the separate bottom left section of the navigation pane on the Patient Record, you do not have to scroll down to see it. To display the Guideline, simply select it.
The rules for passive triggering depend on the clinical term entered, if it is a triggering clinical term for a Guideline, and whether or not a Problem is generated as a result of the entry, if:
Automatic problem generation is on, a problem is always created.
Semi-automatic problem generation is on you are given the option to create a problem.
If a problem is created, the clinical term becomes the new Problem Heading, and the Guideline mnemonic becomes the Problem Short Name. The relevant Guideline is passively triggered at the bottom of the At the next consultation for this patient, because there is a problem with the clinical term that triggers the Guideline, the Guideline is again passively triggered and displays at the bottom of the as an open book. .
If a problem is not created when you are given the option to do so, then the Guideline is triggered, but only for this one-off session, and not for subsequent consultations.