Consultation Manager Setup - Management
To set up the following management options:
- From Consultation Manager
, select Consultation - Options - Setup.
- Select the Management tab and complete as required:
Automatic Triggering
Select which Guideline triggering options are enabled:
- Disable Triggering - Tick to have no guidelines triggered.
- Passive Triggering - Tick to display the Local Index
as opened
and the Guideline minimised under the alerts pane if the correct Read code is entered.
- Active Triggering - Tick to open the relevant guideline in full if the correct clinical term is entered.
Indexes and Toolbar
Select which options display on the main toolbar:
- Local Index - Tick to display Local Index
, which changes to open
if a guideline is passively triggered.
- Local Reports Index - Tick to display Local Reports Index
to display the reports you have created and added to the local reports index.
- Reports - Tick to display Patients Reports Index
which lists system reports with a line for the Local Reports Index.
Display Options
- Show local line indicators - Tick to indicate which lines have been generated locally on centrally issued guidelines.
- Auto-Select Drug Information for patients - Tick to print the drug information whenever a drug regime is invoked and printed within a guideline.
- Trigger clinical data entry when selecting Prodigy guideline - Prodigy has been removed so no longer relevant.
Auto Selection
This selection is a practice wide setting:
Options - Select to choose which data from a patient's record populates the summary of their record which is sent with an e-Referral as part of the Referral Message Digest, see Referral Message Digest for details.
Problem Generation
Select to set the generation of problems within the patient record:
- Manual Problem Generation - Select to make the Problem creation process totally manual.
- Semi-automatic generation (prompt for problem generation) - Select to trigger a prompt to decide whether you want to create a Problem for this entry when there is a data entry which normally triggers a guideline.
- Fully Automatic Problem Generation - Not recommended. Select to automatically create a new problem with the Read description when there is a data entry which triggers a guideline.
Therapy Management
This option manages the linking of medication to a problem:
- Association with a problem:
- Select problem when therapy is created - Tick to be prompted to select a problem when a therapy is created and then select either:
- Only if no open problem - Selected by default, prompts if there is no open problem, or
- Always - Select to always show a problem prompt
- Select problem when therapy is created - Tick to be prompted to select a problem when a therapy is created and then select either:
Applies to the following therapy types:
Tick the type of therapy to trigger the problem prompts:
- New Repeat Masters
- Repeat Master reauthorisations
- Acute prescriptions
- Show Setup Form at Startup - Tick to show the Consultation Manager Setup form every time you access Consultation Manager. This is particularly useful for administration staff with a varied role within the practice.
Select OK to save and close, or select another tab to continue set up.