GP2GP Northern Ireland
Incoming Patient Record

The following details the GP2GP process for a new patient:
- Register the patient in Registration - When registering a new patient, first find them from the National Register, either via their NHS Number or by doing an Advanced Search using surname, date of birth and gender, see Registering a Patient - Northern Ireland only for details.
Providing both you and the patient's previous practice are GP2GP enabled, a GP2GP Request is automatically sent. If the previous practice is fully digitised the notes are sent on the same day. If the previous practice is not fully digitised, they are granted a specific time frame to rectify this as configured in the Systems and Services Directory (SSD).
Note - Current time frames are detailed in the BSO FAQs.Important - Patients who have previously been registered at your practice do not qualify for a GP2GP transfer. - From Mail Manager
, once you receive the record, complete the following:
- File the record received - The previous GP’s practice send the notes automatically on receiving your GP2GP Request. When notes are received, a Record Transfer message displays in Incoming Mail with a status of Available for filing. Right click on the message and select File All. This files all the message details into the patient's record in Consultation Manager, see Filing the Record Received for details.
- Import Summary Review - You can review the details of any degraded data from the Import Summary tab.Note - Even if automatic filing is switched on, you must file GP2GP messages manually.
- Now select ConMgr
to open the selected patients record and complete the following:
- Add Reminders - We recommend you add two reminders to the patient record:
- A warning that the patient record is a GP2GP received one and therefore may not conform to your practice protocols.
- Notification that the records have yet to be summarised (remove once the record has been summarised), see Adding Reminders to Identify Patients with a GP2GP Record for details.
- Allergy Review - A clinician should check and add allergies in Consultation Manager, ideally with the patient. You cannot prescribe from Consultation Manager until degraded allergy records have been updated, see Processing Degraded Allergies and Adverse Reactions for details.
- Medication Review - You must review active repeat masters received and reauthorise them to match your practice protocols. You cannot issue against masters that have not been updated, see Processing Degraded Repeat Medication for details.
- Degraded Record Review - You should review degraded records in Consultation Manager, see Processing Degraded Data - Wales for details.
- Add Reminders - We recommend you add two reminders to the patient record:
Clinical term 91...00 Patient Registration is automatically added to the patient record enabling you to search for newly transferred notes.
Outgoing Patient Record

When one of your patients registers with a new practice, if you are configured in the SSD as being fully digitised, notes are requested immediately. If however you are not fully digitised you receive an email to your nominated recipient from with the subject line 'GP2GP Request Action Required' specifying the time period to ensure that the individual patient record is fully digitised. After that time period the GP2GP record is automatically extracted as follows:

Within Mail Manager - Incoming Mail:
- An Incoming GP2GP request message arrives with the status of Ready for Action. Providing there are no unfiled pathology results for the patient under a year old, the message automatically processes and the status updates to Notes Sent. If there is unfiled pathology for the patient that is under a year old, the message cannot be sent automatically, see Unfiled Pathology for details.

Within Consultation Manager - Patient Record:
- An entry with the clinical term of 92... Patient deregistration by transfer of GP to GP electronic record is added to the patient's record, enabling you to search for patients whose records have been transferred recently. The patient's registration status remains Permanent until deducted in the usual way. We recommend you add a manual reminder that the patient's records have been transferred, see Reminders for details of how to add a Reminder.