Rejection Transactions REF/REG

There are three sorts of Rejection Transactions which allow the GP or the TP to "reject" certain transactions:

  • Rejection Transaction from the TP to GP in response to a GP's Acceptance Transaction being transmitted to the incorrect TP (REF) (see Incoming (Wrong TP) Rejection).
  • A Deduction Request Rejection DRR from the TP to GP in response to a Deduction Request by the practice to deduct a patient (DRR) (see Incoming Deduction Request Rejection) - in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
  • and from the GP to TP (REG), a GP can reject a Deduction Transaction if the patient is out of the practice area, if the GP wants to keep the patient on the list. The TP only generates a Rejection Transaction (REF) if an Acceptance has been forwarded by the GP practice to the incorrect TP (see Incoming Deduction).