Outstanding Transactions

Unacknowledged Acceptance

Warning - At least one Acceptance Awaiting Acknowledgement transaction for the selected TP exists with an Acceptance Date either prior to or equal to the second day of the new quarter.

Remedy - Go to Transactions Management - Unacknowledged Acceptances to find out who the patient(s) is. All Acceptance Transactions must be matched with either an Approval Transaction or a Rejection (Wrong HA) Transaction.

  • All outstanding acceptances should be checked with the TP to determine if they have received them or not.
  • If the TP confirm receipt of the acceptance, they should be able to confirm the interchange number of the file containing the acknowledgement that has been transmitted to the practice. You should check GPC for this interchange using the Find function in GPC. (Note - if the file is older than 14 days, remember to search the archive folders as well - to include archived messages in any Find Search, switch on View - Archive Folders on before the search, then switch off again after the search). If this file has not been received, you should request that the TP retransmits the interchange. If the file has been received, you should contact the HelpLine. In exceptional circumstances, if the patient is permanent, and if you have their NHS number (ask the TP for this), use Security - Approve Patient in Registration. If the patient has not been received by the HA, then you can security approve them with a dummy NHS number i.e. FAKE12345 then Security Deduct them and re-apply them.
  • If the TP cannot confirm receipt of the acceptance, you should check GPC for the Registration files transmitted on or immediately following the Transaction date shown in the Unacknowledged Acceptances screen. You should find a file which has not been successfully delivered to the TP. Make a note of the interchange number of this file and confirm that your TP has not received this file. Once you have confirmed the TP did not receive this file, you should retransmit the file to the TP. If you cannot find the file containing the acknowledgements or the TP claim to have received the file, you should contact the HelpLine.

Deduction Transaction

Warning - At least one unprocessed Deduction transaction for the selected TP exists with a Date of Deduction either prior to or equal to the last day of the quarter to be archived.

Remedy - All Deduction transactions generated by a TP System up until that TP close a particular Registration Quarter are always dated in that old quarter. Go to Transactions Management - Incoming Transactions, select the correct TP if more than one, find the Incoming Deduction transaction, Process, and either Deduct or Re-Accept them.

Amendment Transaction

Warning - At least one unprocessed Amendment transaction for the selected TP exists with a Transaction Date either prior to or equal to the second day of the new quarter.

Remedy - Go to Transactions Management - Incoming Transactions, select the correct TP if more than one, find the Incoming Amendment Transaction, Process, and Accept the transaction, or if an address change which you do not accept, select Remove OA.

Rejection Transaction

Warning - At least one unprocessed Rejection (Wrong TP) transaction from the selected TP exists with a Transaction Date either prior to or equal to the second day of the new quarter.

Remedy - Go to Transactions Management, Incoming Transactions, select the correct TP if more than one, find the Incoming (Wrong TP) Rejection Transaction, Process, and Re-Accept.

Deduction Request Rejection (England and Wales only)

Warning - At least one unprocessed Deduction Request Rejection transaction from the selected TP exists with a Transaction Date either prior to or equal to the second day of the new quarter.

Remedy - Go to Transactions Management, select the correct TP if more than one, find the Incoming Deduction Request Rejection Transaction, Process, and accept it.