Using the Select Drug Screen

To access the Select Drug screen, from a Therapy - Add screen, either:

  • Double click in Drug, or

  • Select Drug and press F3 on your keyboard, this can be done with a drug name selected:

When selecting therapy items Vision 3 breaks down your search criteria in the following way:

  • Name|Form|Strength, for example, 'Amox cap 250' returns Amoxicillin 250mg capsules.

Important - This can cause an issue where an item name is made up from more than one word, or where a conjoining hyphen is left out, for example, if you enter 'depo prov' Vision 3 searches on Name depo|Form prov. As a Form of Prov does not exist, it returns the first item with a Name of 'depo', hence Depo Medrone. You must check the item returned on a search is the item you require.

To select an item from the drug dictionary:

  1. From Therapy - Add - Drug, enter the first three or four letters of the drug name required, optionally, followed by the form and then the strength, for example 'amox cap 250' and press Enter on your keyboard. The medication you require should be returned, if not either:
    • Use the up and down arrows to move through the medication list.

    • Select Switch to Generic .

    • Select Switch to Brand .

    • Press F3 on your keyboard, the Select Drug screen displays.

  2. Complete as follows:
    • Name - Enter the first few letters of a drug item and either press Enter on your keyboard or select Find. The dictionary or formulary displays from the nearest item.
      Note - You can enter a brand name and swap to a generic form later.
    • Form - There is no need to enter a form, it automatically populates from the item you select, however you can select from the available list if required.
    • Strength - There is no need to enter a strength, it automatically populates from the item you select, however you can select from the available list if required.
      Note - If you enter a strength, do not add the units, for example, 250 not 250mg.
  3. A drug list displays unless you see one of the following messages:
    • [drugname] not found in formulary. Do you wish to search the main dictionary? Yes/No.

      If you are configured to initially select from the Formulary, a drug cannot be found in the formulary from the letters you entered. Select Yes to select from the full dictionary.

    • [drugname] not found. OK.

      The letters you have entered have not found a drug. Select OK and try a different name.

      Note - If the drug you require is not in the drug dictionary, please contact Cegedim Healthcare Solutions.
  4. Highlight the item you require. Items may be marked with
    • g indicating a generic form.
    • f indicates a formulary item.
    • d indicates a discontinued item, if you have a tick in Discontinued.
    • s indicates a special preparation item.
    Note - For branded items, the drug item displays for each manufacturer in brackets. Regardless the manufacturer on the prescription, it is up to the pharmacist which brand is dispensed.
  5. Select OK to select the item and return to the Therapy - Add screen.

    Right click on an item on the list to check for drug check warnings and view any caution codes:

    • Check Drug - Summarises the drug checks for the current patient therapy and history data and the currently highlighted drug, see Drug Checks for details.
    • Caution Codes - Displays warning messages which can be allocated to drugs and printed on dispensing labels, for example, Take at regular intervals - complete the course unless otherwise directed, see Caution Codes for details.

Product Information

The bottom section of the Select Drug screen displays the product information of the highlighted drug. An item's status displays, for example, if it is Unlicensed or a Limited Availability item displays. Select a green heading to expand/collapse information:

Select a topic below to expand the section:

Note - As you move down the drug list, the information in the bottom section automatically changes.

Hints and Tips

The following hints and tip should help you select items that can be difficult to find:

  • Wild Cards - Where a drug name is long, or you are not sure of the spelling, you can use '_' to replace one character, or '%' to replace multiple characters, for example:
    • Entering 'depixol_c', returns Depixol Conc 100mg/1ml solution for injection ampoules.

    • Entering 'depo%rov', returns Depo-Provera 150mg/1ml suspension for injection pre-filled syringes.

  • Appliances - You can select an appliance using the appliance number, precede the number with #, for example, #100500.
    See Therapy - Appliances for details.
  • Elastic stockings - Enter Elastic Hosiery and press Enter on your keyboard to display most stockings, you can also use the brand name.
  • Insulin - Insulin must be found under the brand name, for example, Human or Humulin.

  • Needles, Lancets - These can be found in Hierarchy under Hypodermic Equipment.
  • Bandages, dressings, shampoos - These can be found in Hierarchy under Wound management and chiropody products.
  • Packs with flavours - It is not always obvious how to choose items which have different flavours. Some flavoured items are separate items in the drug dictionary and can be selected as such.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.