Drug Class Options

Within a Drug Drug class List on a guideline in normal (not design) mode, if you click to expand an Drug class heading, the drugs within the same drug class are listed under one another in green. These are drugs that are not on the Preferred Drug List.

Refer to Prescribing from a Local Guideline, and how to set up a Drug Drug class List in the separate Reports and Guidelines Maintenance.

If you point to one of these drugs, and click with the right mouse, you have the following Drug class options:

  • Make Repeat - This flags the drug item with a repeat symbol. When you double click on the line to prescribe it, it defaults to Repeat in the Prescribe Drug screen.
  • Formulary - This toggles between the Formulary (when ticked) or full Drug Dictionary (not ticked). If you change this, the Drug class list will be re-displayed accordingly.
  • All Generics - If ticked, the Drug class list will be re-displayed including all generic forms.
  • Discontinued - If ticked, the Drug class list will be re-displayed including all discontinued items.
  • Back up BNF Tree - This allows you to go back up the BNF Tree. Another Drug class bunch will be selected if you click on it, and included within the same Drug class List.
  • Find... - If you are looking for a particular drug, select Find and type in the drug you are looking for.
  • Properties - The standard amendment screen for the level, text indent and whether initially expanded.