Additional Information

Additional Information (automatic) displays for all patients within the National Summary. If the patient consents to Additional Information, the details are automatically updated and sent to the NHS Spine. For patients without the required consent the displayed information is greyed out and not sent to the NHS Spine.

Additional Information (automatic) consists of non-core data that is specified for inclusion from a list of Read codes supplied and maintained by NHS Digital and Vision.

Note - Automatically included and Core data cannot be manually withheld.

The following table shows the types of data included:

GP Record Additional Data

Vision 3 Data

Reason for medication

Linked problems added to medication.

Significant past medical history

Active problem headers and Priority 1 medical histories. (See note below).

Significant previous procedures

All procedures with a Read code of 7% (excluding 7L1%, 7M%, 7N%, 7P%, 7Q%)

Anticipatory care information

Anticipatory care information as determined by Key Information Summary.

End of life care information

As detailed in the EOLC dataset ISB-1580.


All records with a Read code of 65%.

Any other specific coded data items in the SCR inclusion set

As detailed by NHS Digital and Vision 3

Important - Only medical histories with a Priority 1 are included in the additional data, unless they fall into one of the other categories. If you have not used priority 1 for significant medical history this is not automatically included in the patients National Summary. There is a Priority Update utility available which enables you to change priority numbers for a group of patients, see Setting the Priority Mapper for further details.
Note - Priority 0 (zero) medical history items are not included in the SCR, see SCR Manually Adding Data for details.
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