Setting the Priority Mapper

The GP2GP Priority Mapper is a practice wide setting which allows you to map each medical history priority number used by your practice to a predefined external priority for both incoming and outgoing GP2GP messages to and from other Vision 3 practices. The main benefit to your practice is that all transferred medical histories should have the correct priority as per your practice protocols.

Note - You must have System Manager rights in Vision 3 to update the GP2GP Priority Mapper.

To access the GP2GP Priority Mapper and set your export and import preferences:

  1. From Mail Manager , select Tools - GP2GP Priority Mapper.
  2. The GP2GP Priority Mapper screen displays. The screen is divided into three columns:
    • Export - Where the external priorities for outgoing medical history priorities are defined. Each Vision 3 priority 0-9 must be mapped to an external priority. You can map more than one priority to the same external priority.
    • External Priority - This details categories for import and export priorities to map to.
    • Import - Allows you to define the medical history priorities for incoming data categories/external priorities:

  1. Set your export and import preferences against the External Priority Definitions by selecting from each list. You can select more than one priority for each External Priority:

Note - If you do not select a medical history priority for Export data, the data is automatically mapped to Normal, Default or Routine entries.
  1. Select OK to save and close.
Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.