Adding a Medical History Entry


To record a Medical History entry :

  1. From Consultation Manager , select the patient required and start a consultation if required.
  2. Select either:
    • Add - Medical History
    • Add Medical History from the tool bar, or
    • Use <Alt+A> then <Alt+L> if using the keyboard.
  3. The History - Add screen displays:

  4. Complete as follows:
    • Event Date - Defaults to today's date, update as required.
    • Clinician - Defaults to the staff member or GP signed on for the current session, update as required.
    • Private - Defaults to unticked, tick if you are recording a private consultation.
    • In Practice - Ticked by default, remove tick to record result was recorded out of the practice.
    • Read Term for Characteristic - Find the clinical term required, see Finding a Read Code.
    • Comment - Optional, enter any free text comment required
    • Type of Characteristic - Updates automatically based on the Read Term for Characteristic, update from the available list if required.
    • Episode Type - Defaults to Other, update from the available list if required.
    • Priority - Defaults to 3, update if required, see What is a Priority? for details.
      Note - You can update the defaults for Episode Type and Priority from the Consultation Manager set up screens, see Consultation Manager Setup - Data Entry for details.
    • End Date - Optional, you can enter a date if the patient's issue is resolved, or you can return to the entry at a later date and to complete it.
    • Recall - Select to add recall dates if required.
    • IOS - No longer used.
    • Another - Select to save the current entry and add another medical history.
  5. Select OK to save.

If the term selected in Read Term for Characteristic links to a Structured Data Area (SDA) the SDA screen displays.

See Structured Data Areas for details.

If the term selected in Read Term for Characteristic triggers a guideline, and the option to display guidelines after history entries is switched on, you are asked if you want to view it.

If you have semi-automatic problem generation switched on, you will be asked if you want to create a problem based on this Read term.

Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.